Alone, sad, without food or a shelter to seek refuge from the harsh weather, without love to give or receive… This is how thousands of animals are found wandering, unjustly abandoned to the streets by heartless individuals all over the world.
This is the story of Hermione, a little stray kitten who got trapped in a sawmill machine in the city of Andria, Italy. Undoubtedly, in her relentless search for food, tragedy struck.
Fortunately, the animal was noticed by one of the employees, who immediately rushed to her rescue. However, he didn’t arrive in time to prevent the kitten’s face from being completely disfigured. Nevertheless, thanks to the kindness of this worker and a group of his colleagues, the kitten was transported to the Andriavet veterinary clinic, where her life was saved. According to information from the spokespeople of the ENPA animal shelter, located in the same city, the workers brought her in severely injured. However, through a treatment regimen of antibiotics, she gradually recovered.
The harrowing experience left several indelible marks on Hermione. While she retained her life, she lost her ability to see entirely. She suffered multiple fractures in her nose, skull, and mouth, but she always retained her gentle essence. Despite the bumps and bruises endured after the horrific accident, in good hands, Hermione began to progress rapidly. She showed great joy and gratitude to everyone who cared for her so lovingly at the shelter.
Days passed, and one morning Hermione encountered the surprise of her life. She was finally adopted by Annarita Distaso, a kind woman and animal lover neighbor, who will ensure she receives all the care and love that every living being deserves, regardless of their condition, disability, or physical appearance.
Adopting an animal and rescuing it from the misery and indignity of the streets is a brave and generous gesture. You’ll be giving them a second chance at life, and in return, you’ll gain the unconditional love of a grateful being who appreciates that second chance. Your bonus will be a shower of kisses, caresses, and fur that you’ll carry on your clothes, never forgetting that there’s someone waiting for you at home and grateful for your life, as if it were their own.
Share this story with your loved ones. If you also have someone as loving as Hermione at home, remember that behind this act of love are responsibilities that you must not neglect.
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