In early April, a kitten named Johnathan arrived at the Animal Rescue League in Boston. His owner had passed away, and there was no one willing to take care of the beautiful furry one. From the first day, volunteers noticed something a little odd about the kitten’s eyes. He seemed very uncomfortable with every movement he made, and his eyelids looked swollen. A visit to the veterinarian confirmed their worst fears.
Johnathan was suffering from a severe form of entropion. This condition causes the eyelid to curve inward into the eye, making it terribly uncomfortable and painful. Not only had he lost his owner and the home where he spent his entire life, but the kitten was also in a very delicate state of health and needed surgery as soon as possible.
Veterinarians carefully studied the situation and decided that the best way to help the kitten was by removing his eyes. It was the only way to give him the relief and peace of mind he so deserved. The surgery was a complete success, and a few weeks later, Johnathan began to show his true personality. He was a very sweet kitten who enjoyed being petted on his whiskers and also gave sweet headbutts to the volunteers.
He will still need some more time to fully recover, but it is necessary to find a family where he can return to the tranquility of a home. Although he can no longer see at all, kittens are very cunning animals and have their other senses very developed.
Veterinarians are confident that after a couple of weeks, Johnathan will adjust perfectly to his new home. However, it is recommended that he be the only pet and also live with few humans so that he can adapt quickly. This beautiful kitten has had to go through many changes in the last few months. We hope he finds a loving home where he will be wanted and valued. Johnathan still has a lot of love to give and deserves a second chance.
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